Friday, June 17, 2011

Something to look forward to!

Wimpy Kid fans will be thrilled to hear that in November, 2011 Jeff Kinney's new book will be released.

 In the new book, the Heffley family is kept indoors by a major snowfall, and Kinney said his inspiration was, in part, the "tough New England winter" that just passed.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How Many Days Left?

If you are counting, you will know that there are only 13 days of school left.  All school library books should be returned by June 9.  If you have not finished your book, keep reading and try to get it in as soon as possible.

Classes will continue to visit the library for fun literacy activities for another week.

Just because school will soon be over doesn't mean you should stop reading though!  Check out the public library for details about their 2011 Summer Reading Program themed "SPLASH" and find out how you can earn some great prizes! Visit  to learn more.  They tell me they have some very cool prizes up for grabs this year!

Thank you to everyone who supported our Scholastic BOGO Book Fair last week.  We had over $2000 in sales which translates to approx. $1000 going to two charities: IWK and Big Brothers Big Sisters.  It was great to see so many families stocking up for summer reading!