Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring is Here!

Spring is about new beginnings.  The snow has melted, the flowers are starting to emerge, robins have been sighted and the days are longer!  Begin a new book this month, there are so mnay to choose from.  Mrs. Schmidt has been busy processing books received from the Adopt-A-Library Program as well as donations from Read-by-the-Sea.

From gardening, cooking & crafts to adventure, fantasy and graphic novels, there is something new for all interests and all reading levels.  Visit the school library for a great book!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March Into A Good Book!

They say time flies when you are having fun, and I think it must be true!  February was a busy month with library displays ranging from Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, Snow & Winter Sports, Love Your Library Month, African-Heritage Month and don't forget all of the great new books!

To end the month and jump into March, we promoted literacy by hosting another successful Scholastic Book Fair.  Did you miss it?  Don't worry, we are already planning our Spring BOGO sale which will take place in late May.  THank you to everyone who supports our book fairs.  Did you know that for every $10 spent at the fair, our school earns up to $6 in free books?

We also had a few special visitors to the library in February...
Author Gary Blackwood stopped by to promote Read by the Sea, a wonderful annual event taking place in River John each summer.  We are so thankful for the books donated to our library and we are happy to promoten Read by the Sea.   This summer at WordPlay:
Jill MacLean and Frieda Wishinsky will read and conduct workshops for children and young adults.

It has been our pleasure to take part in the Adopt-A-Library program this year.  Constables John & Jane stopped by last week to promote the Reading Challenge and gave a prize to every student for their hard work to date and to encourage them to keep up the great work!  Thank you Jane & John for promoting literacy in our school!